Pongo to Host Keynote Conversation for Digital Diversity Network


I'm hosting a conversation with Digital Youth Network and YOUMedia co-founder, Dr. Nichole Pinkard, about ensuring equity in the development of a digital literacy ecosystem. Meet us Wednesday, Sept. 13th at 6pm.Then, stick around to hear from the brightest minds in the tech industry in a panel jampacked with industry leaders. It's time for all communities to have access to Chicago's burgeoning technology industry.Friends, you can register for FREE using the coupon code "VIPComp."Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/thriving-within-the-innovation-eco-system-tickets-37224698074 


Chicago Urban League Launches First Podcast Tackling Issues of “CULture, Race & Equity”


Brainstorming with #InsecureHBO's Jay Ellis [Podcast]