Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx talks mass exoneration and first year in office


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Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx opens up about some of the challenges she faces in charging officers in police misconduct cases. She also talks about carrying out what may have been the first mass exoneration in county history, announces a lawsuit against Uber and answers questions about the roles activists, journalists and elected officials play in addressing social ills.
We round the conversation off with a broader dialogue about gentrification and issues of racial equity in Chicago and Cook County.
To check out the full series, subscribe on iTunes, Google Play or search for "CULture, Race and Equity" wherever you get your podcasts.

“CULture, Race & Equity - A Seat at the Table” is a ten-part multimedia project produced  for the Chicago Urban League by Dometi Pongo. It features conversations with community stakeholders, advocates and policy experts providing actionable solutions to some of Black America's most pressing issues.


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